But effort brings results that neither thoughts nor prayers can do."
My dad lost money again,from his savings and apparently someone took it.
Have you ever laughed and felt like crying at the same time?That's what i'm doing right now,it seems that one of my fellow project work group members screwed our written report by somehow confusing yes and maybe as the same thing,thus messing up our statistics...
I don't wanna disappoint or bring sorrow,i just want people to smile.
As i walked to the school gate,and saw people going home,(Well i was late,but not that late!=x)it suddenly struck me that i kinda miss secondary school.It never occurred to me that sometimes being controlled in a strict disciplined environment would be good.I miss the times when everyone had to hide and secretly use a handphone.I miss the times when being late meant detention,and you had to run like crazy to make it.
Thank you to all the people who remembered,and a bigger thank you to those who made an effort to make it special!!I do appreciate it alot!
The silhouette of you so prominent despite resting amidst the fog that covers.
Rui's feeling elated today!Mainly due to the fact that he managed to finally go to the gym today!
Sitting on the chair,sipping coffee and enjoying the tranquility and serene atmosphere of the
I've gotten back all of my papers,and well my results really do suck.
Class outing to Sentosa beach today!Finally one outing that worked out pretty well with most people turning up and enjoying themselves.Can't seem to upload any photos tonight so i guess i'd do it tomorrow!
I'm not the kind who shows care and concern to people,especially when the person is closer to me.
Friends make up a huge part of a person's life,and i'm just glad i have so many great ones around me!Some come and go,some come and just..urm...hog that place for a really long time.Reminiscing brings me back to all the lows in my life,and truly i think a real friend is one whom saw you cry,laugh,being angry,moody and being stupid!
Grow up please,your thinking matches the age you look,where mundane stuff looks cool.
Woke up with a migrane headache,and my stomach hurt like hell for god knows what reason.